
Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader

Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader

By Sam Fadala

Hunting with blackpowder firearms isn’t inherently dangerous, but a little safety savvy is required. Accidents always happen to “the other guy.” Or do they? Sometimes that other guy is one of us. Take the man who was killed by a grizzly not far from my camp. Odds of a bear attacking him were less than being struck by lightning. Ho...


Recent GunHunter Features

Advanced Scope Mounting
Advanced Scope Mounting

By John Barsness

Prevent ring damage and range problems by following these tips. Many shooters think scope mounting is simple. Just tighten a few screws, and the job is done, right? Well, there’s a little more to it than that. All too often, a new sco... READ MORE

Rimfire Glass
Rimfire Glass

By Richard Mann

How much magnification is best for small-game hunting? “Don’t scrimp on a rimfire riflescope; it is likely the scope you’re going to use the most.” That’s good advice from Pat Mundy, markeing communcations mana... READ MORE

Classic Styling is Everlasting
Classic Styling is Everlasting

By Tom Turpin

Jack O’Connor’s favorite Model 70s are great examples of timeless elegance in rifle design. Photo: Two of the author’s custom rifles based on Model 70 actions. The top rifle wears a stock of New Zealand walnut. The bottom ... READ MORE

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