
Finding the Sweet Spot

Finding the Sweet Spot

By Ron Spomer

The right bullet at the right seating depth can shoot like a house afire. Pardon the personal question, but how deep is your seat? This has nothing to do with furniture or your personal deep-seated convictions. It has everything to do with how accurately your rifles shoot. Bullet seating depth is critical. You probably already know that a particula...


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Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance
Sure Cures for Wrong-Eye Dominance

By Ralph M. Lermayer

There is a surprisingly large number of people with eye complications, the kind of problems that make the act of shooting a rifle awkward or near impossible. The most commonly affected shooters are those who are right-handed but left-eye do... READ MORE

Eight Ways to Save on Ammo
Eight Ways to Save on Ammo

By Ron Spomer

Practice always costs something, but not practicing can cost you success. Ammunition today isn’t just expensive — it’s scarce. Last March, our Cabela’s store looked like old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. The ammo ... READ MORE

Are Wildcats Worth It?
Are Wildcats Worth It?

By Ron Spomer

Your heart palpitates for a custom chambering, but think before you leap. Forty years ago, as a new shooter and handloader, I was wild about wildcats. Not the furry, spotted kind. The mysterious, esoteric, hot-shooting, custom-formed brass ... READ MORE

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