
This Thing Called Eye Relief

This Thing Called Eye Relief

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Perhaps no part of a riflescope’s specifications is less understood than eye relief. Many hunters don’t have a clue what their pet scope’s eye relief is, nor do they care. As long as they can bring Ol’ Betsy to the shoulder and instantly find hair in the scope, it’s perfect. Eye relief is the distance from the rear le...


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Which .22 Centerfire?
Which .22 Centerfire?

By John Haviland

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10 Steps to a Tack Driver
10 Steps to a Tack Driver

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The Perfect Rifle
The Perfect Rifle

By Jon R. Sundra

Planning for the next hunting gun never gets old. Photo: The 7mm WSM from Montana Rifle Co., a near clone of the Model 70, represents the author’s current ideal hunting rifle. Jon also has a nearly identical model and two other simila... READ MORE

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