
Bolt Basics

Bolt Basics

By Richard Mann

Working a bolt correctly can save the day — and your hide. Sustained fire with a bolt-action rifle can be almost as fast as what can be obtained with a semiautomatic rifle. If that statement surpises you, you’re not alone. Several years back, I conducted a test with different rifle actions and shooters. I used a timer to record how long...


Recent GunHunter Features

Finding the Sweet Spot
Finding the Sweet Spot

By Ron Spomer

The right bullet at the right seating depth can shoot like a house afire. Pardon the personal question, but how deep is your seat? This has nothing to do with furniture or your personal deep-seated convictions. It has everything to do with ... READ MORE

Know Your Limitations
Know Your Limitations

By Chub Eastman

Don’t attempt a shot in the field you haven’t practiced at the range. Photo: Life-size targets are a good alternative to 5-gallon buckets for determining maximum effective range. A small herd of elk was feeding along a logging r... READ MORE

One-Shot Group
One-Shot Group

By John Haviland

All the work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet. Make sure it will hit on the mark. Many hunters go on about how tightly their rifles shoot five-shot groups. Well, the real measure of a hunting rifle is how it shoots a one-shot... READ MORE

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