
One-Shot Group

One-Shot Group

By John Haviland

All the work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet. Make sure it will hit on the mark. Many hunters go on about how tightly their rifles shoot five-shot groups. Well, the real measure of a hunting rifle is how it shoots a one-shot group. All the money and work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet shot from a cold barrel. For th...


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What’s a Magnum?
What’s a Magnum?

By Jon R. Sundra

The line between standard and magnum cartridges has long been blurred. There was a time when the term “magnum” was fairly well defined. I’m talking back in the ’60s and ’70s when the word pretty much meant a ca... READ MORE

Don’t Sell the .308 Win Short
Don’t Sell the .308 Win Short

By John Barsness

The .308 is a superb whitetail round, but don’t believe it’s too puny for elk, pronghorns, black bears or plains game. Whenever hunters gather around a campfire to discuss big-game cartridges, you’ll hear talk about the .2... READ MORE

The 7-30 Waters
The 7-30 Waters

By J. Wayne Fears

Great First Deer Caliber for Youngsters! The offspring of the .30-30 has mild recoil, and is effective on whitetails out to 200 yards. The cabin door opened with authority as my 13-year old grandson Justin walked in. It was his first time ... READ MORE

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