
The .30-06 Just Plain Works

The .30-06 Just Plain Works

By John Barsness

Many of us know intellectually that the .30-06 is a good all-around big game cartridge, but explanations are not experience. The .30-06 was the most common chambering for big game rifles when I started hunting in Montana in the mid-1960s, though some hunters thought it was unnecessarily powerful. My father did, which is the reason I took my first ...


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Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

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Bear Bait
Bear Bait

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Chronograph Reliability
Chronograph Reliability

By John Haviland

Many variables can affect velocity readings. Here’s how to set up for best results. Photo: Setting up a chronograph so bullets pass straight and about 6 inches over the top of the photo sensors helps produce precise readings. A chrono... READ MORE

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