
Make It Shoot

Make It Shoot

By Dave Henderson

Is your rifle shooting better patterns than groups? Here are the most common problems — and fixes. Brand-new rifle. Well, it’s new to you, and a dandy — a Remington Model 700 BDL in great condition. The price was steep, but the week’s pay was worth it. Add rings, a scope, a couple of boxes of ammo, and you’re ready for...


Recent GunHunter Features

The Knockdown Power Myth
The Knockdown Power Myth

By Ron Spomer

Bullet placement is far more important in the field than bullet theory. Photo: Although black bears are usually not as large as grizzlies, they can be just as dangerous, so it’s best to knock them down. The author prefers a deep-penet... READ MORE

A Most Popular Magnum
A Most Popular Magnum

By John Haviland

All hail the 7mm Rem Mag — king of the .284 bores. The 7mm Remington Magnum is the most bought, shot and hunted-with magnum cartridge, despite the continuous introduction of other magnum rounds intended to capture some of its appeal. ... READ MORE

Know Your Limitations
Know Your Limitations

By Chub Eastman

Don’t attempt a shot in the field you haven’t practiced at the range. Photo: Life-size targets are a good alternative to 5-gallon buckets for determining maximum effective range. A small herd of elk was feeding along a logging r... READ MORE

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