
Coping With Wind Drift

Coping With Wind Drift

By Ron Spomer

One of the more common bits of advice to shooters is “Allow a little for the wind.” Most of us know the wind will blow a bullet off course. Most of us don’t know how, why or how far. Any of us planning on shooting much beyond 200 yards should. Wind can turn a hit into a miss, easily shifting a projectile off course by more than a ...


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Short Magnums: A Flash in the Pan?
Short Magnums: A Flash in the Pan?

By Jon R. Sundra

The short, fat case design was a step forward, although a small one, in cartridge development. Photo: In 1998, gun writer Rick Jamison, in cooperation with Ruger and Winchester, developed the .300 JRW, but it never made it to market. The au... READ MORE

DIY Cumberland Deerslayer
DIY Cumberland Deerslayer

By J. Wayne Fears

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Whatever Happened to Walnut?
Whatever Happened to Walnut?

By Jon R. Sundra

Beautiful in color and grain, walnut is the most traditional material for stocking a sporting rifle. Photo: High-grade guns like this Sauer 303 are traditionally stocked in fancy grades of walnut, such as this example of Turkish origin. Wal... READ MORE

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