
One-Shot Group

One-Shot Group

By John Haviland

All the work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet. Make sure it will hit on the mark. Many hunters go on about how tightly their rifles shoot five-shot groups. Well, the real measure of a hunting rifle is how it shoots a one-shot group. All the money and work that goes into a hunt rides on the first bullet shot from a cold barrel. For th...


Recent GunHunter Features

The Amazing .375 H&H Family
The Amazing .375 H&H Family

By Ron Spomer

Dozens of rounds have been carved from H&H’s magnum opus. Photo: The  .375 H&H and its .300 H&H offspring (far left) were too long to function well in standard-length action. Brass was shortened to make the .264 Win M... READ MORE

The Cleaning Dilemma
The Cleaning Dilemma

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Just how much scrubbing does the average rifle or shotgun need? The author feels that many hunters may be cleaning too much. Philosophies on cleaning firearms divide shooters into three categories. First is the crowd that scrubs and cleans... READ MORE

Bust Claybirds on a Budget
Bust Claybirds on a Budget

By Clair Rees

Shotgunning is more art than science. That’s painfully obvious when you hunt quail, ducks, pheasants or any other upland birds. Carefully aim a shotgun as you do a rifle, and you’ll miss every time. Even if birds rained from th... READ MORE

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