
This Thing Called Eye Relief

This Thing Called Eye Relief

By Ralph M. Lermayer

Perhaps no part of a riflescope’s specifications is less understood than eye relief. Many hunters don’t have a clue what their pet scope’s eye relief is, nor do they care. As long as they can bring Ol’ Betsy to the shoulder and instantly find hair in the scope, it’s perfect. Eye relief is the distance from the rear le...


Recent GunHunter Features

Make It Shoot
Make It Shoot

By Dave Henderson

Is your rifle shooting better patterns than groups? Here are the most common problems — and fixes. Brand-new rifle. Well, it’s new to you, and a dandy — a Remington Model 700 BDL in great condition. The price was steep, bu... READ MORE

5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing
5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing

By Clair Rees

Every shooter needs good hearing protection. Here’s what’s available. If your hair is turning white or mostly gone, you may remember two of the most famous handgunners of the 20th century. Elmer Keith, an Idaho cowboy turned gun... READ MORE

Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader
Play It Safe with Your Muzzleloader

By Sam Fadala

Hunting with blackpowder firearms isn’t inherently dangerous, but a little safety savvy is required. Accidents always happen to “the other guy.” Or do they? Sometimes that other guy is one of us. Take the man who was kille... READ MORE

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