
Those Sweet Single Shots

Those Sweet Single Shots

By Ron Spomer

One-shooters don’t have obvious advantages over repeaters, but there are some. In this age of sub-MOA autoloading AR rifles, why would anyone bother with a single shot? Single shots are not for firepower, efficiency or enhanced productivity. Single shots are for joy. For romance. Challenge. Sometimes, beauty and elegance. A single shot is to ...


Recent GunHunter Features

Troubles with Choke Tubes
Troubles with Choke Tubes

By John Barsness

All sorts of things prevent shotgun chokes from doing what we expect of them. Two pheasant hunters stood together, looking down at a creek bottom. A stiff November wind bent the willows and cattails along the creek, places where roosters m... READ MORE

Trijicons Are Different
Trijicons Are Different

By Ralph M. Lermayer

It’s dusk of opening day. You’re easing down a forest road or skirting the edge of a field, when, suddenly, you spot movement in a clearing in front of you. Is it a buck? Whatever it is, it knows you’re there. You instinct... READ MORE

Quick Accuracy Fixes
Quick Accuracy Fixes

By John Haviland

Sometimes new rifles don’t shoot as well as we’d like, or worse, a previously dependable rifle goes off its feed. Operator error is often the culprit with a rifle that throws bullets across a target like a slingshot flinging roc... READ MORE

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