
The Forgotten .264 Win Mag

The Forgotten .264 Win Mag

By Richard Mann

This 50-year-old round has .270 Win power and even better long-range performance. For the most part, the .264 Winchester Magnum has gone the way of the pet rock, but as a young hunter growing up in West Virginia, I always wanted a rifle in this caliber. Visions of traveling to Montana to hunt mule deer in the wide open spaces made the .264 seem lik...


Recent GunHunter Features

Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun
Return of the Bolt-Action Slug Gun

By Dave Henderson

Turnbolt shotguns are the hottest tickets in slug gun shooting today. Photo: Savage bolt actions have a reputation for outstanding accuracy. Among deer hunters in the shotguns-only environs of rural New York a half-century ago, it was commo... READ MORE

Laser Rangefinder Primer
Laser Rangefinder Primer

By Bob Ross

How laser units work, and why they’ve become indispensable to modern hunters. It was really, really cold out. So cold, the fabric of my daypack froze like a potato chip. So cold, the soda pop in the plastic bottle inside my daypack tu... READ MORE

Belly Down for Accuracy
Belly Down for Accuracy

By Clair Rees

Prone isn’t the fastest shooting position – nor is it always practical, but it’s by far the steadiest. Photo: When shooting from prone in mountain country, a backpack adds steadiness. It was a wild, exhausting stalk. Guide... READ MORE

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