
The Hunter’s Glass

The Hunter’s Glass

By Ralph M. Lermayer

A practical hunter’s guide to riflescopes, binoculars and rangefinders. The subject of optics for hunters is one that gets a lot of press. Rightfully it should, since our choice of scopes, binoculars and now rangefinders can literally determine the success of a hunt. The choices are endless, as each manufacturer extols the virtues of its part...


Recent GunHunter Features

Pick Your Performance Range
Pick Your Performance Range

By Richard Mann

A hunter wanting to push the limits of long-range shooting with more room for error needs a flat-shooting rifle. Remington’s .300 Ultra Mag, launching a 180-grain bullet at over 3,200 feet per second, is one of the flattest-shooting c... READ MORE

The .30-06 Just Plain Works
The .30-06 Just Plain Works

By John Barsness

Many of us know intellectually that the .30-06 is a good all-around big game cartridge, but explanations are not experience. The .30-06 was the most common chambering for big game rifles when I started hunting in Montana in the mid-1960s, ... READ MORE

Laser Rangefinder Primer
Laser Rangefinder Primer

By Bob Ross

How laser units work, and why they’ve become indispensable to modern hunters. It was really, really cold out. So cold, the fabric of my daypack froze like a potato chip. So cold, the soda pop in the plastic bottle inside my daypack tu... READ MORE

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