Buckmasters Magazine Articles

Buckmasters Magazine

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

By P.J. Reilly

Tips for staying warm in a freezing deer stand. Talk about a quintessential catch-22. Some of North America’s best deer hunting occurs when the mercury is in the basement. Add a little wind and maybe some snow, and you end up with miserable conditions. It’s hard to sit still, and it’s even harder not to heed the beckoning warmth o... READ MORE

The Day Chad Clark Lied

The Day Chad Clark Lied

By Dale Weddle

What’s the world coming to when you can’t trust the word of your hunting buddies? When Chad Clark split off from his buddies on opening day of Kentucky’s 2013 rifle season, he told them that if they heard him shoot, he was going to be standing over a 10-pointer his trail cameras had photographed earlier in the fall. He lied. The 1... READ MORE

Buckeye Bookends

Buckeye Bookends

By Mike Handley

Lightning strikes twice in 13 days for this father-daughter duo in Ohio. The Ross family in St. Paris, Ohio, would prefer not to believe in coincidences. Crediting happenstance doesn’t seem to do justice to what happened to them during the 2013 shotgun season. That father and daughter wound up with bookend trophies might simply be the result ... READ MORE

Better Than Birthday Cake

Better Than Birthday Cake

By Mike Handley

Few riflemen get an opportunity at a buck in velvet. Louisiana native Joshua Bruce is accustomed to waiting for October before donning his camo and heading to the deer woods. This year, however, he discovered a mid-September window that not only allowed him to jumpstart his season, but also to hunt with a rifle when many Kansas bucks’ antlers... READ MORE

A Place to Hunt

A Place to Hunt

By Bob Humphrey

Finding a place to hunt is becoming increasingly difficult. My neighbor came to me recently with news that hit me like a cold slap in the face. “It looks like they’re going to sell that piece behind me.” That “piece” was a parcel of land that held special meaning to me. I’d spent more than 20 years learning it in... READ MORE



By Conrad McCall

You never forget the lessons you learn in the deer woods. Some people claim to hear voices inside their heads. Most of the time, that’s not good. Hearing voices means you’re either crazy or touched by the Divine, with the former being most likely. If hearing voices means you’re crazy, I’m certifiable. I don’t hear stra... READ MORE

‘Squiggles’ Makes a Mistake

‘Squiggles’ Makes a Mistake

By Tony Hough

You never know when a giant might mess up and make a daytime appearance. Mark Krall and his hunting buddies retrieved trail camera photographs in late October of a distinctive buck they nicknamed Squiggles. It’s not uncommon to see an uptick in mature buck photos on trail cameras that time of year, which might be considered the pre-rut, when ... READ MORE

Never Stop Scouting

Never Stop Scouting

By Dana R. Rogers

You can’t adjust to changing deer patterns if you don’t have the right information. It’s uncanny how you can scout whitetails for weeks, have every detail of their routines logged and memorized, and then one day they’re just ... gone. It’s like the whitetail rapture happened. While it sometimes seems otherwise, deer ar... READ MORE



By Mike Handley

You can’t always believe wide-eyed tales of giant bucks, but they’re true sometimes. The tiny community of Bladon Springs, Ala., was abuzz last fall when word spread about the buck an Orange Beach man shot on the day before Thanksgiving. It was the kind of deer the locals had to see to believe. Jerry Loper owns 2,500 acres in nearby Was... READ MORE

The Right Deer

The Right Deer

By David Hart

Choosing which doe to shoot can be more important than buck selection. These days, everyone with a few acres and a hunting license wants to manage their deer herd. They want to strike the proper balance between the overall population and the habitat while producing more and larger bucks. That’s a good thing. A healthy, balanced deer herd not ... READ MORE

Rattling Basics

Rattling Basics

By Bob Humphrey

Calling in bucks is no big mystery, and it can work almost anywhere. It won’t work down here,” said Joe Champion when I asked about rattling. And who was I to argue with his nearly four decades of experience as a guide at the Hit-n-Miss lodge in Central Alabama? At least one guy in our hunting party was not convinced, but he kept his sk... READ MORE

Finding Funnels

Finding Funnels

By Tracy Breen

The more deer concentrate in a small area, the better your chances of tagging one. As browsers, whitetails are constantly on the move from one food source to another. They’re also creatures of habit, sticking to areas and trails that have provided safety and security in the past. Every year, hunters successfully pattern and kill individual bu... READ MORE

On the Edge

On the Edge

By Dana R. Rogers

Use observation stands to figure out deer movement before you move in for the kill. Maybe you lucked out and got permission to hunt a new piece of property shortly before hunting season, or perhaps you’re a do-it-yourselfer on a trip out of state. How can you get a quick read on a new property and give yourself a reasonable chance of filling ... READ MORE

Droopy, not Droppy

Droopy, not Droppy

By Ed Waite

Sometimes Plan B works out even better than Plan A. At first glance, Joe Lacefield’s 2012 buck might appear to sport identical foot-long drop tines on a 4x4 mainframe. That’s exactly what Joe, a B&C measurer and wildlife biologist with the state of Kentucky, thought when he peered at the dying animal through his binoculars. Actually... READ MORE



By Dale Weddle

A buck in the hand is worth two on the right. Because they had to work during opening weekend of Kentucky’s 2013 modern gun season, Leslie Hull and her boyfriend (now husband) Devin weren’t able to hunt until the following Tuesday, Nov. 12. That cold afternoon, the Maysville couple went to a Mason County farm about 2:00 and took up a po... READ MORE

Balance of the Sexes

Balance of the Sexes

By P.J. Reilly

Can you fix buck-doe ratios, and should you even if you could? The second day of Illinois’ 2010 firearms season was foggy and warm. I couldn’t see more than 10 yards through the pea soup, so I heard the little doe coming well before I saw her. It wasn’t her footsteps that caught my attention; it was her incessant bleating. She cam... READ MORE

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

By Ed Waite

Skill and experience can’t prevent a treestand accident – but a safety harness can. Imagine clinging to hope, practically covering your ears, while a suffering friend begs you to kill him. Or imagine being in such excruciating pain that you would plead with someone to end it, to pull the plug before there’s even a plug to pull. Mi... READ MORE

Muzzleloader’s Paradise

Muzzleloader’s Paradise

By P.J. Reilly

With the flexibility to be used in several seasons, smokepoles are gaining ground on other firearms. The hammer falls and a high-pitched crack melds into a thunderous boom. The crack-boom is mashed together, but it's clearly two separate sounds. White smoke then spews from the barrel, and the scent of sulfur hangs in the air. Even if you're shootin... READ MORE

Family Tradition

Family Tradition

By Chrystal Schultz

It’s good to have an Ace in the hole when you’re after a big buck. Hunting is a tradition in my family. My great-grandfather taught my grandfather, and he passed it down to my dad. Once I expressed an interest, Dad and Grandpa began to teach me. It didn’t take long for me to realize I wanted to hunt more than just the rifle season... READ MORE

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon

By Russell Thornberry

A story of what usually happens when we ignore the voice of reason in our heads. If two full moons occur in a single month, the second one is called a Blue Moon, which is something of a rare event. Thus the saying, “Once in a Blue Moon.” I was working in my office and wrestling with whether or not to go bowhunting one evening before I h... READ MORE

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