Tips & Tactics


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Two Unique Scent Tricks

Two Unique Scent Tricks

By Jimmy Bennett

Heated Scent Pads: This first trick enables me to use my ThermaCELL for something other than repelling mosquitoes. It gets an additional function out my device, as well as utilizes old ThermaCELL pads. I like to pour a little buck lure on a used pad, turn on my ThermaCELL and hang it about 20 yards upwind from my stand, about 4 feet above the grou... READ MORE

Trail Cam Hang ’em High Setup

Trail Cam Hang ’em High Setup

By Heath Tinker

With all the new scouting camera technology today, you’d think all the angles would’ve been explored by now. But a couple of years ago, someone gave me a great tip that has produced the best trail cam pictures I’ve ever gotten, even on public land! In my early years of hunting, I was blessed with places to hunt on private land, li... READ MORE

How’d My Powder Get Wet?

How’d My Powder Get Wet?

By Glen Manning Jr.

When it comes to deer hunting, some things we simply learn the hard way. Even though I’ve spent years reading as much as I possibly can to learn about this wonderful sport, I’ve made many mistakes this past decade, and still do. Unfortunately, this was the case with learning about barrel sweat. Yes, guns can sweat! The results can be di... READ MORE

Create a Realistic Rattling Sequence

Create a Realistic Rattling Sequence

By Russ Siler

Here’s my tip for making a rattling sequence sound more realistic to any buck within listening distance of your setup. I’m amazed at a deer’s ability to pinpoint exactly where a sound is coming from. From what I’ve observed, they can figure out the source to within a few feet, even when the sounds are above ground, and even ... READ MORE

Best to Bomb That Blind

Best to Bomb That Blind

By Jamie Terrell

The first time you hunt from a deer stand could be one of the most dangerous. This is especially true in early season. As many hunters have experienced, wasps, hornets and wild bees find box blinds and shooting houses to be perfect places to build their nests over the summer months. Getting stung while climbing a ladder is a scary scenario. Some pe... READ MORE

The Grunt Effect

The Grunt Effect

By Jeff Hayes

It seems like no matter how quietly hunters try to get set up in our stands, we always make at least a little unwanted noise in the process. Between walking on dry leaves, breaking sticks, huffing, puffing, shaking limbs as we scale trees, and the dinging of metal on metal, it’s impossible not to make some sort of racket. And it doesn’t... READ MORE

Rangefinder Ribbon Setup

Rangefinder Ribbon Setup

By Thad Cook

I have a simple tip for an archery setup that allows me to know my yardages without keeping a rangefinder in my hand when a deer approaches. Before the season begins when I am setting up my bow stands, I head to my hunting property with a rangefinder, a buddy, and several different colors of hair ribbons, flagging and/or surveyor’s tape. When... READ MORE

Bow Sight Covers

Bow Sight Covers

By Victor Ortiz

Last summer, I read a Buckmasters Tip of the Week about using different types of koozies as covers for riflescopes. This made me happy, because I have been doing something similar for a long time, except I use koozies to cover and protect my bow sights. A koozie, in case you are not familiar, is an insulating sleeve used to keep a canned or bottled... READ MORE

“Guinea Pigs” for Trophy Bucks

“Guinea Pigs” for Trophy Bucks

By Melody Jackson

When it comes to holding out for mature bucks, one thing I believe many hunters lack is patience — especially when other deer are on the field. It’s very tempting to quickly add venison to the freezer when fat does and bucks with marginal racks appear. I have learned the older, smarter bucks are lurking back in the shadows, sometimes f... READ MORE

Don’t Overlook Eye Safety

Don’t Overlook Eye Safety

By Bob Henry

We all want to be safe when we’re out there hunting and return home without any injuries. After a recent accident, I wanted to share a safety tip with Buckmasters members and everyone who hunts. Hopefully, my story will prevent them from going through the same awful experience I just went through. Earlier this season, when I got down from my... READ MORE

Your Secret Buck Sanctuary

Your Secret Buck Sanctuary

By Tim H. Martin

Throughout my two decades of experience in the hunting industry, I've met some incredibly wise hunters, both professional and amateur. I've learned a lot just from listening to and observing the many successful men and women of the outdoors who have crossed my path. One of the best philosophies I've picked up on is to find a great stand site and NO... READ MORE

Late Season Feeder Trick

Late Season Feeder Trick

By Dan Acker

For hunters who use spreader-type feeders, I have a late season tip. It’s easy, inexpensive and will help keep deer around your feeder in the late wintertime. In most regions, this tactic will also help white-tailed deer stick around your hunting area after the season is over, even if your feeders run out of feed. When the time comes to re... READ MORE

During the Crunch, Pack a Lunch

During the Crunch, Pack a Lunch

By J. Dement

Public land can be one of the most challenging places to hunt white-tailed deer. The same can be said about heavily hunted places with a high deer-hunter-to-deer ratio. I have been hunting on public land since 1975, and I have learned a thing or two about both deer and deer hunters. The first thing I learned is when deer hunters get cold, they get ... READ MORE

Shooting Rail Lifter

Shooting Rail Lifter

By Steven Purdy

My tip is a result of wanting to adjust the height of the shooting rail on my metal ladder stand after I moved it to a new location. After setting up my stand, I realized the shooting rail needed to be higher because the lay of the land was different than the previous location. I used my imagination and came up with a simple homemade remedy using t... READ MORE

Hunting the Peak of Rut

Hunting the Peak of Rut

By Bob Humphrey & Yamaha Outdoors

If you live in whitetail country anywhere in the northern two thirds of the country you’re probably at or very close to the peak of the whitetail rut right now.  This can be a very exciting time to hunt. It can also be a very frustrating one. Some folks prefer the early season because bucks are much more at ease, hanging close to home ... READ MORE

Keep a Gear Checklist

Keep a Gear Checklist

By Kenneth Lancaster

Make a List. Check it Twice. It never fails. You settle into your stand and suddenly realize you’ve forgotten something important. We hunters use so much gear, it's easy to accidentally leave items at home. I've learned over the years it's always helpful to make a list and review it the night before your hunting trip. Before I leave to go to ... READ MORE

Extend Hand Warmer Life

Extend Hand Warmer Life

By Randy Olson

Here in Minnesota, I go through a lot of hand warmers in a deer season, as you might imagine. If you hunt a lot, it can get expensive by the time you use them in your pockets, neck gaiter and boots or underneath your shirt. Over the years, I have discovered a way to get multiple sits out of my hand warmers. It’s really simple! Because the ing... READ MORE

Pressured Bucks? Try 10 ‘til 2!

Pressured Bucks? Try 10 ‘til 2!

By Kyle Albrecht

I’ve kept my key to public land success a secret for some time now, but am glad to share with fellow Buckmasters fans. I like to bowhunt Missouri’s public hunting grounds from mid-September through mid-January, which is a long archery season. This is permissible in Missouri because a compound bow is considered a legal weapon during all... READ MORE

Priority One: Take Kids Hunting

Priority One: Take Kids Hunting

By Yamaha Outdoors & Bob Humphrey

With the season now underway, it’s time to achieve those resolutions you made in January. If you’re an adult who cares about hunting’s future, there’s one resolution that should be a priority: Take kids hunting this year.   The future of hunting rests firmly on the shoulders of youngsters who take up the sport, an... READ MORE

When Jays are Squawking . . .

When Jays are Squawking . . .

By Donald Spotts

One of my favorite tips is something I suppose many hunters think about, but rarely talk about. Next time you hear blue jays making a fuss, remember this phrase: “When jays are squawking, something’s walking.” Blue jays consider deer to be intruders, and they often follow them just like they will a cat or other predator. Their ru... READ MORE

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