Tips & Tactics

Concealment As Needed

Concealment As Needed

By Patrick Dunning

I recently relocated my cell camera and established a fresh feed site on a property I have permission to hunt and received photos that night of some decent bucks and one three-year-old in particular that has my attention right now. 

I need a north or north, northwest wind to hunt this buck, maybe getting away with wind out of the south, and the pine tree I decided to hang my set is perfect but offers limited natural concealment from any deer accessing the area to my right. 

Thankfully Ghilliepuck offers an artificial branch device that’s ideal for breaking up your silhouette and adding cover to your stand location, and in my case, will keep me from getting busted. 

The camouflage system clips directly onto your tree stand or can be attached to the tree itself and offers a tactical backdrop of foliage. 

If my target buck is daylighting but the wind is unfavorable to hunt from my stand, I can still hunt this deer from the ground using Ghilliepuck’s man-made tree limb gear as the perfect smokescreen. 

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