Tips & Tactics

You Can Conquer Buck Fever

You Can Conquer Buck Fever

By Ken Piper

It's amazing how all those hours and hours of steady-handed practice go out the window when a deer actually appears under your stand. Buck Fever can strike veteran or novice hunters, and the deer doesn't have to be a buck -- but it's certainly more severe and harder to overcome when the deer has antlers on his head. 

Experience and time spent looking at deer helps, but another thing to do is take your focus off the antlers. Once you've decided you will take a shot at a buck, don't look at his headgear. Focus instead on your shooting lane, or pick a spot on the deer's vitals, where you will eventually take aim. If you have to, look away from the deer, focus on your breathing and take some deep, even breaths. 

When you're calmer, find the buck again, and prepare for the shot, again avoiding looking at his antlers. Another way to help overcome buck fever is to let a few smaller bucks pass. The more time you spend watching bucks in close proximity, the easier it will be to remain calm when the buck you really want comes into range.

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