Tips & Tactics

Identify Food Sources

Identify Food Sources

By Ken Piper

One of the indisputable facts about deer hunting is that deer have to eat in order to survive.  Because of this, it's critical that you know what food sources are prevalent in your part of the country. When you go to the woods, for example, know what a white oak acorn looks like. Know what the white oak bark and leaves look like, because you'll be scouting before or after the season when acorns are hard to find.

Most deer hunters are not botanists, and neither am I, but you need to learn favorite food sources wherever you hunt. You can start by contacting landowners or outfitters with whom you hunt. These guys should know what their deer are eating. If you hunt public land, call state, forest service, and soil-conservation-service biologists in your hunting area. It's their job to know what wildlife eats. You can also go to a bookstore or go online and find regional plant identification books.

Finally, check with your state game department, as many publish books or pamphlets that identify important plants.

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