Tips & Tactics

Say No to Sweat

Say No to Sweat

By Ken Piper

Go slowly and carry your insulated clothes in a dry bag.

The key to being comfortable in a deer stand in cold weather is wearing good-quality, well-insulated clothing. The right clothes will help you stay in the stand longer and make your hunt much more enjoyable.

Unfortunately, those same clothes will make you sweat during the walk in to your stand. Inclines, heavy gear (like treestands) and rushing to get there quickly compound the problem. Once you start sweating, you won’t cool off until you’ve been sedentary for a good half hour or so. What’s worse, you’ll feel cold and clammy just minutes into your sit.

Two things you can do to minimize the sweat factor include taking your time walking in – and we mean really taking your time – and toting in your outer clothes in a backpack or dry bag.

As a rule of thumb, spend about the same amount of time resting as you do walking on the way in. Rest longer if you have steep inclines to climb. Be aware of your heart rate, and slow down if it starts to beat faster.

For clothing, wear just a light layer during the walk. Don’t expose your skin in temperatures below freezing, but keep gloves and ear coverings light. A medium or large dry bag can hold all your mid- and outer layers, which you can put on in the stand after your heart rate returns to resting level. A dry bag is ideal because it keeps scent from your clothing, and it keeps your clothing from depositing scent during the walk. The roll-up closure system on most dry bags means they’re easy to hook onto a backpack or even your belt with a light carabiner.

Another option is to wear light clothing and use an insulating garment like a Heater Body Suit. Follow the same steps outlined above to get the most from your suit.

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