Tips & Tactics

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm

By Ken Piper

The last 30 minutes before shooting light can be the key to a morning hunt.

Most deer hunters know it’s beneficial to get settled into a morning stand early. Even so, most of us try to get every minute of sleep possible, which means we often cut it close.

On those occasions when you find yourself running a little late, we recommend making as little movement and noise as possible during the last 30 minutes before legal shooting light. In other words, Even if you don’t have everything situated the way you want, it’s often best to wait until you can see to get everything in order.

Whitetails can see in the dark much better than we can, and pre-dawn is a peak movement time. If there are deer near your stand and you are installing hangers or messing with your gear, they will see you and leave, and you’ll never even know they were there.

If you aren’t completely ready in the minutes leading up to legal shooting time, stop fidgeting as soon as you have your gear situated enough to make a shot. Then, after you can see, finish getting settled. Do so slowly, and stop to look around frequently.

No matter what time you get in your stand, your first priority is to attach your safety vest to your tether rope. Do so regardless of when you get in the stand.

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