Tips & Tactics

Rack’s Pattern for GIANT KILLERS

Rack’s Pattern for GIANT KILLERS

By Tim H. Martin | Buckmasters Tip Editor

Photo: Rack Magazine producers have observed a noticeable spike in the use of trail cams in story submissions.

I’d like to share an important observation about hunting gear made by Rack Magazine Editor Mike Handley and myself.

Since I serve as Rack’s art director as well as the editor of Buckmasters Tip of the Week, I thought it only fitting to write about what we’ve discovered.

Mike and I have read several thousand hunting stories since Rack was first published in 1999. And with every story we publish, we are curious as to what type of gear helped the hunter take his or her record book buck.

Because Rack features only giants, along with the hunter’s version of how the hunt went down, and since Mike and I study these stories on a daily basis, we notice patterns of how the hunters take these wise, old bucks.

Years ago, Mike first pointed out to me that he’d noticed one particular item continued to surface in the stories. By a country mile, this creation seemed to be the greatest contributor for ambushing world-class bucks, and I’d noticed it, too.

As the years roll on, the number of mentions has increased dramatically in Rack, and now, practically every hunter posing behind a massive set of antlers has it as part of their success story.

If you haven’t guessed it by now, the magic giant-killer tool is the trail camera.

The next time you read a hunting magazine, whether it’s Rack, Buckmasters or any other hunting publication, take notice of how often trail cameras are mentioned. You might be shocked.

Rack’s Pattern for GIANT KILLERSRack Magazine Monsters

If you love GIANT bucks and you’ve never picked up an issue of Rack Magazine, I encourage you to give it a shot, or give it as a gift to your favorite hunter.

We believe it’s the best all-trophy whitetail magazine on the market, and there’s not even a close second.

Rack features only the biggest bucks in the world. It averages about 15 stories per issue, with jaw-dropping photos and each hunter’s detailed account of how the buck was taken.

Scoresheets are included, so you can check out the detailed measurements taken by a Buckmasters Trophy Records scorer.

Rack isn’t on the newsstand, but it’s available online at for as little as $24.95 for ten issues, which comes with a bottle of Tink’s Doe-In-Rut buck lure.

Or you can call 1-800-240-3337, ext. 254 to subscribe.

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