Tips & Tactics

Party Item Scope Cover

Party Item Scope Cover

By John P. Mason

When hunting season winds down, I get busy cleaning my gear, packing up my camouflage and giving my hunting vehicle a wash after months in the mud.

One of the most important things I do is clean, oil and store all my firearms for storage until next hunting season.

If you are like most hunters, several of your guns are topped with scopes. And if you are like me, you don’t have enough scope caps to go around for all of them. Where do they all go?

The way scope caps disappear is as mysterious as missing socks in the laundry!

Since I don’t want to spend money on new scope caps, I’ve found a cheap household item that works well for keeping dust, grit and smudges off the lenses while my firearms are stored.

A simple foam koozie does the trick!

Bottle and can koozies come in many different shapes and sizes. Some zip up, some are thick foam and some are wide-mouthed. Choose one that best fits your scope model.

Since so many businesses give koozies away as promotional items, most folks have a boxful stored somewhere. This is as great way to put them to good use.

Before you put your guns in a safe, gun cabinet or somewhere they’ll be stored upright, slip a koozie over the top end of your scopes.

If you store your firearms in a soft case or hard rifle case, slip koozies over both ends.

Koozies also work well as temporary scope caps while traveling to and from the stand. You’ll want to use rubber bands to secure them before heading out if they are loose-fitting.

Leave the rear lens covered until you are ready to shoot to keep it from fogging up or gathering moisture.

One of the best parts about this temporary scope cover is koozies are usually giveaway items. Next time they’re being handed out at a party, business promotion or trade show, grab a few.

Koozies make the best FREE scope covers you’ll ever see!

If you have a unique or special tip you’d like to share with Buckmasters fans, please email it to and, if chosen, we will send you a cap signed by Jackie Bushman, along with a knife!

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