Tips & Tactics

Taming Hoist Rope Coils

Taming Hoist Rope Coils

By Bryan Lewis

There are several things that annoy me when it comes to cords we use to hoist and lower our bows, backpacks, guns and gear from the treestand.

Strings often get tangled and twisted in saplings, noisy leaves, sticks and clutter on the ground, and I’ve never liked the way pull cords flap in the breeze when they are hanging free.

Also, once you’ve pulled up the gear, you’ll have a wad of rope or coils to deal with at the foot of your stand.

I decided to try something simple, and I really like the way it works. I went to the pet store and bought a retractable dog leash to do the job.

The leash is quiet and strong, and I can stick it in my pocket or backpack after I have pulled my gear up or down.

If I'm using a climbing stand, I snap the leash to the gear on the ground, strap the dog leash to the stand’s frame and allow the line to pull out freely as I climb.

Bryan LewisIf I'm climbing into a fixed-position stand, I hook up the gear, strap the leash to my book bag, backpack or pocket and start climbing. 

When I get settled, I can pull up the gear quietly, retract the cord and store the leash out of the way.

You don’t want to run out of cord before you reach the desired height, so look for a dog leash that is at least as long as your treestand’s height — probably between 20 or 25-feet-long. Of course, ladder stand heights will be much shorter.

Also, make sure you buy a leash that does not make a clacking noise when you let the line out. Test it while you’re in the store.

Check your leash periodically for nicks, and never use one that has been chewed on by a dog. Spring for a new leash which you can find for about $20 or less.

– Photo Courtesy of Bryan Lewis

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