Tips & Tactics

Push into Public Land

Push into Public Land

By William Pulsifer

Like many hunters who don’t have access to private lands or who don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to lease property, I like to hunt on public land. But, not surprisingly, so do a lot of other hunters.

I’ve discovered to be successful on public land, I have to work a little harder than the private land guys.

Don’t be afraid to push deeper than the average hunter, and explore more than other hunters are willing to do.

When it comes to public land, many hunters aren’t willing to walk much farther than out of sight of their vehicles or access point. This amazes me because there are some really big bucks to be found on state and federal tracts.

Hunters often push deer deeper into recesses of the land, and that’s where I want to be.

Study Google Earth, aerial photos and topography maps before you scout, and then incorporate the use of a GPS device or app to shorten the time spent scouting on the ground.

Work harder, study smarter and push deeper than the average guy to find where the public land big boys are!

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