Tips & Tactics

Emergency Fire Starters

Emergency Fire Starters

By Tim H. Martin, Travis Wilson & Charles Ward

Lighter Knots (Pine Hearts)  – By Tim H. Martin

Recently, I watched a reality TV show where a man and woman were attempting to survive 21 days in the wilds of south Alabama. The location was just a few miles from my old hunting lease.

I was dumbfounded when the couple struggled to make fire with a steel and scraper-style fire starter. For kindling, they tried pinesap, leaves and twigs. How could these survival experts not know about the aged, resin-filled fire starters lying in the ground all around them?

When pines and other evergreens die, they fall over and rot, but they leave a jewel of a fire starter in the stump. Any country boy or girl growing up in pine country knows to kick up a lighter knot — also known as pine hearts — split it into smaller pieces and use a kindling that is practically kerosene-soaked.

The rock-hard, aged inner lighter knot even smells like kerosene. I’ve seen them light in the rain, and they burn like a fuel-impregnated torch. Here in the Deep South, they are everywhere. Some small shavings would have helped that couple start fire instantly.

Next time you see the circular remnant of a rotted pine stump, kick the center to loosen the heart, then reach in and pull it out. Split it open with a hatchet and you’ll see and smell what the survivalists missed: nature’s super kindling.

Save That Baby Food Jar – By Travis Wilson

My fire starter tip is to keep a baby food jar with dry kindling and matches in your pack at all times.

Use your knife to whittle cedar or pine hearts into shavings and keep them in the jar.

Now you have dry emergency kindling, as well as a small jar to boil water should you need them.

Vaseline Cotton Balls – By Charles Ward

My tip is to take cotton balls and coat them with Vaseline. Store them in small- to medium-sized pill bottles with tight lids and keep them in your pack or vehicle.

Make sure to include waterproof matches or a lighter, too. The cotton balls will ignite in damp conditions and will help get your emergency fire going.

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