Tips & Tactics

In 2016, Remember to Remember

In 2016, Remember to Remember

By Tim H. Martin

Photo: In June of 1997, Tim H. Martin made a resolution to take his first buck with a bow. He succeeded that October with this little twisty-racked 3-pointer — a true trophy at the time. Nearly 20 years later, Tim realizes the memories and photos of his career have been as much fun as the hunts themselves.

My favorite author once wrote “the best part of hunting and fishing was the thinking about going and the talking about it after you got back.”

Those words, written by Robert Ruark, have stuck with me since I first read “The Old Man and the Boy” more than 30 years ago.

It’s so true; the fun of the outdoors is found largely in the planning and remembering.

If you are making New Years resolutions about hunting, I encourage you to remember the best parts of last season first.

Sitting down to reminisce and appreciate last season’s highlights is something we should all do before setting goals for 2016. Get out your photo album!

The definition of “resolution” is the firm decision to do or not do something. Basically, it’s a goal, and goals are fun.

Some of my best hunting memories are of sitting by the grill in June, coming up with a game plan for the upcoming season while waiting for the cheese on my burgers to melt.

I recall a hot, humid day in 1997 when I set the lofty goal of taking my first buck with a compound bow.

My dream came true later that fall when I arrowed my first buck: a small, twisty-racked 3-pointer. It’s funny, but the memories of studying back issues of Buckmasters on my little back porch are just as vivid and fun as the hunt itself.

Each year I set loftier goals, such as taking a record book whitetail with my bow, chasing elk out west and bowhunting in Africa.

Years later, all those resolutions were fulfilled. The fun of planning these trips and the telling of wild hunting tales to my kids are just as valuable as the numerous whitetail, elk, bear and African mounts hanging in my den.

Still, the memories of that first little bow buck get my heart racing as fast as anything I shot on the Dark Continent. Digging out that old photo and reminiscing about that day has been a real kick for me.

Happy New Year everyone! May God bless you with achieving your hunting goals this coming season.

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