Tips & Tactics

Rock Solid in a Pinch

Rock Solid in a Pinch

By Tim H. Martin

Photo: The shooting house where Tim H. Martin took this Texas management buck did not come equipped with a sandbag to steady his rifle, so the Buckmasters Tip Editor made one.

There's an old shooter's adage that still holds a lot of truth today: "You are only as good as your rest."

Today, most shooting houses and ladder-type treestands are equipped with shooting rails. Hunters have discovered that placing a sandbag on the rail provides a rock-steady, nearly hands-free rest.

But heavy sandbags aren't always available or practical to travel with, especially when flying, and they might not be provided when you arrive at your hunting destination.

Whether you are paying for a once-in-a-lifetime trip or hunting alone on public land, you definitely want to make good on all shot opportunities.

Here's a simple, yet highly effective tip that can make the difference between a solid shot or a worrisome potshot.

Store an old pair of socks in your backpack or luggage. When you arrive at your hunting destination and it's time to go to your stand, simply put one sock inside the other, fill with dirt or sand, twist and tie shut. A plastic bag liner is a good idea, too.

Now your makeshift sandbag is good to go and you’ll be rock solid.

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