Tips & Tactics

Nifty Turkey Toter

Nifty Turkey Toter

By Bill Neibecker

If you've ever tried to carry a turkey out of the woods, you know how cumbersome it can be. Once the adrenaline from your big moment wears off, that bird can get heavy in a hurry!

I have a tip for turkey hunters that will make this task a breeze, even if the hike back to your vehicle or house is a significant distance.

Any kind of padded strap with clips on the ends will work. My personal choice is the type made for carrying computer cases. It has spring-loaded hook clips and heavy shoulder padding.

All you need to add is a small length of rope to each clip and simply tie the loose ends to each leg of the turkey, just above the spurs. You don’t need to know any special knots; a simple double overhand knot will secure the gobbler’s legs.

Now you can hoist your bird and tote it over your shoulder with ease. This also gives you both hands free so you can safely carry your shotgun or bow.

If you don’t want to spend the money for a computer carrying strap, there are other kinds that work just as well, if not better.

Weed Eater straps, gunslings and luggage straps are also well-suited as turkey toters. I suggest checking your local thrift store or flea market for old straps to save money. You don’t need anything fancy.

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