In The Kitchen

Crawfish Pie

Crawfish Pie

By Steve Hall

Crawfish Pie is a great way to get folks to try them little mud bugs from Louisiana. No peelin' and pinchin'. Just go to the store and buy some crawfish tail meat and whip this up. If you have never tasted crawfish pie you will share it with all your friends. Ingredients: • 1/4 stick butter • 1 cup celery / 1 cup onions / 1 cup red bell pepper • 1 lb of ...


Beer-Braised Venison

Beer-Braised Venison

By Stacy Harris

During hunting season, we always plant turnips in our greenfields for the deer.  The great thing about this is we enjoy cooking them with the game we harvest!  Not only are there many gastronomic benefits of turnips, the health benefits seems endless. Turnips are filled with antioxidants, are rich in vitamins C, A, K, B, folic acid, and carotenoids. Next time you...


Country@Heart Dinner Diaries

Bayou Bunnies Beat the Blues
Bayou Bunnies Beat the Blues

By Tim H. Martin

I always get the blues when deer season ends. It's too cold to fish in early February and my stack of unattended honeydoos has grown into a mountain since October. This season, I decided to beat the blues by taking advantage of Alabama's Fe... READ MORE

Off-the-Grid S’mores
Off-the-Grid S’mores

By Tim H. Martin

Making s'mores around a campfire should be a fun and simple activity, but the kids all too often end up with charred marshmallows, grit in their teeth and singed eyebrows. Raise your hand if you've ever gotten impatient and stuck your marsh... READ MORE

Crescent City Shrimp Creole
Crescent City Shrimp Creole

By Tim H. Martin

New Orleans’ prodigal son re-creates signature dish. — Recipe by Tim H. Martin Preliminary Directions and Ingredients: First, peel and devein 2 1/4 pounds raw shrimp. Also, finely chop 1⁄4 cup green onions (green stems fo... READ MORE

Gwin’s Alaska-sized Breakfast Burrito
Gwin’s Alaska-sized Breakfast Burrito

By Tim H. Martin

Recipes Courtesy of Gwin’s Roadhouse, Cooper Landing, Alaska  Ingredients (per burrito): • Butter, to scramble eggs and sauté pepper and onions • 1/4 cup green bell pepper, diced • 1/4 cup red onion, diced &... READ MORE

White Chicken Chili
White Chicken Chili

By Tim H. Martin

Whenever the author smells white chicken chili cooking, he recalls a special day in October of 2001. That’s the day he arrowed this unusual Alabama buck and won the Buckmasters staff chili cook-off. They say the sense of smell is the ... READ MORE

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