Hunting News

Moose hunters see 63% success rate

Moose hunters see 63% success rate

By New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

New Hampshire’s 2022 moose hunting season closed Oct. 23 with hunters harvesting a total of 27 moose, 23 bulls and 4 cows, according to Henry Jones, Moose Project leader.

Hunters achieved a 63% success rate during the nine-day season, with 43 people receiving permits to take part in the hunt. Hunters included 41 lottery permit holders, one with a permit auctioned by the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire, and one Dream Hunt participant sponsored by the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation. In 2021, the overall moose hunter success rate was 73%, while the average success rate over the past five years has been 72%.

Several large bulls were taken this season, including one with a 65-inch antler spread, weighing 850 pounds dressed. The moose was taken by permittee Elise McNaughton and sub-permittee Brent Rheinhardt. Elise was the youngest participating hunter this year.

A highlight for check station personnel was the story of a father and son team, Scott and Nathan Messenger of Newbury, NH. The Messengers focused on taking a bull and ensuring the animal was properly handled to safeguard high quality meat and minimize waste. After many hours of scouting, they found an area with an abundance of moose and good access. During the first few days of the season, they chose not to hunt on several occasions because the temperatures were too warm for animal processing standards.

On Oct. 19, conditions were in the Messengers favor. The moose were in an area of softwood cover. While shifting their spot, the Messenger’s paths accidentally crossed that of two small bulls, placing the hunters 25 yards upwind and in the wide open. Neither bull was a moose they wanted to take, so they froze and relied on their pre-hunt efforts to minimize their human scent. Shortly thereafter, a larger bull stepped in front of the smaller ones. They remained patient and eventually the larger bull stepped away from the other two and was cleanly harvested. The Messenger crew field dressed the moose and dragged it 500 yards by hand with a total of four people using a sled and harness system.

When they arrived at the registration check station 1.5 hours after their harvest, biologists were impressed with how fresh the moose was. Rigor mortis had not yet set in for the 2.5-year-old bull that weighed 575 pounds dressed.

To learn more about moose hunting in New Hampshire, click here.

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