Hunting News

Brake for moose—it could save your life

Brake for moose—it could save your life

By New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Motorists are advised to be extra cautious while admiring the autumn foliage from Granite State roadways because moose are active and on the move.

Drivers should be prepared to see and react quickly when they see moose on or near the road. While moose/vehicle collisions can happen at all times of the year, fall is a time of increased moose activity and therefore accidents.

In 2019, 68 moose were killed by vehicles in New Hampshire, which represents a decrease from 99 deaths as a result of car collisions in 2018.

Drivers are urged to slow down and stay alert, and not just at moose crossing signs.

To avoid a moose collision, especially in the North Country, observe posted speed limits and avoid excessive speeds which reduce collision reaction time – especially at night, dusk, and dawn. Use high beams when possible, and be able to stop within the zone of your headlights. Watch for moose by scanning the sides of roads as you drive.

If you see a moose on the side of the road, expect it to run in front of you so SLOW down.

For more information on avoiding moose, click here.

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