Hunting News

Fall turkey shotgun season opens Oct. 12

Fall turkey shotgun season opens Oct. 12

By New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

The Granite State’s seven-day fall turkey shotgun season begins on Oct. 12 and runs through Oct. 18 in 2020. Purchase of a turkey permit, and a New Hampshire hunting license for those ages 16 or older, allows for the harvest of two turkeys per year, one of which may be a male or hen turkey taken during the fall.

Shooting hours for the fall season begin one-half hour before sunrise and end one-half hour after sunset. All Fish and Game Department associated with the state’s fall turkey season remain in effect. Hunters can register harvested birds either in person or online within 24 hours of harvest.

Hunters are advised to contact their local registration stations to confirm the location is operating and registering birds during the fall season.

Turkeys registered at a check station will continue to receive the official leg seal.

If birds are not registered in person, they must be registered online within 24 hours of taking. The tag issued with the hunter’s turkey license must be affixed to the bird.

o expedite online registration, hunters must have a reliable internet connection and be prepared with their hunting/turkey license information, license plate number of the vehicle used while hunting, town and Wildlife Management Unit where the turkey was harvested, sex and age of the bird, weight to the nearest 1/4 pound, weight of the bird to the nearest 1/4 pound, beard length to the nearest 1/4 inch, and spur lengths to the nearest 1/16 inch.

Successful online registration results in a confirmation email upon completion. Hunters must retain a copy of this confirmation as proof that their turkey was legally registered online by saving a digital version or printing a copy of the email. Accurately entered registration data is imperative as the information is relied upon by wildlife biologists and conservation officers who depend upon its accuracy.

Of the 18 WMUs in the state, 11 are open to the fall shotgun season. New Hampshire’s seven-day fall shotgun turkey season applies only in WMUs D2, G, H1, H2, I1, I2, J1, J2, K, L, and M.

For a detailed map and 2020-21 hunting date information, click here.

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