Hunting News

Brake for moose; it could save your life

Brake for moose; it could save your life

By New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Springtime travelers are asked to brake for moose when traveling on New Hampshire’s roadways. There were 68 collisions between moose and vehicles in New Hampshire in 2019; in the last five years the state has averaged 105 collisions per year.

While moose are active throughout the year, May through October are high-risk months for collisions because moose venture onto roadways to eat the remaining salt residue from winter surface treatments.

“Moose are an iconic species and a tremendous resource of our state, but it can be dangerous to encounter them on the road,” said Moose Project Leader Henry Jones. “By following a few simple rules, motorists can greatly reduce their chance of a moose-vehicle collision or the severity of personal injury if they do hit a moose.”

When driving on New Hampshire roads, keep these points in mind: Moose and vehicle collisions happen statewide on all types of roads. Moose collisions occur most often from May through October. While collisions can happen at any time of day, they occur most frequently at dusk and at night.

Moose are dark brown, making them hard to see against pavement, especially at night. Don’t depend on eye shine (reflected light from headlights) to alert you to a moose’s presence; moose don’t always look at an approaching vehicle.

To reduce the chance of a collision—or the severity of occupant injury if you do hit a moose—don’t drive at high speeds, wear a seatbelt, scan the sides of the road, be prepared to stop within the zone of your headlights, and use high beams whenever possible.

Drivers who see a moose, should slow down or stop if necessary, until going past the moose or until it has left the road.

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