Hunting News

Some wild hog traps impede control, harm protected wildlife

Some wild hog traps impede control, harm protected wildlife

By Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

"Late winter and early spring is a period when available food resources can be depleted, which makes trapping wild hogs with bait even more effective,” according to Anthony Ballard, nuisance wildlife biologist. “We encourage landowners to take advantage of this time of year to trap wild hogs, focusing on trapping entire sounders (multiple family groups) at one time.

"Trapping wild hogs is not like setting traps for rats and mice. There is an art and science to effective wild hog trapping. Improper trapping techniques can actually impede population reduction success," Ballard said.

Types of traps, location of traps, materials used, pre-baiting, trap doors, trigger devices, and when to set the trap for capture are all important considerations. 

The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks is particularly concerned about recent reports of illegally constructed wild hog cage-type traps.

To protect non-target animals such as deer, turkeys, raccoons and black bears, regulations require that all wild hog traps be constructed with the top at least 50 percent open to allow the escape of non-target animals, particularly black bears.

Such traps must be labeled with the owner's name and contact information. Additionally, traps must be monitored at least every 36 hours, and all non-target animals must be released.

Black Bear Program Leader Richard Rummel warns landowners that “black bears are subject to be found in any part of Mississippi, and may be attracted to commonly used baits in hog traps.

"Black bears can die from stress and injuries in their futile attempt to escape from enclosed traps,” he said.

Black bears are considered an endangered species in Mississippi, and to injure or cause death of a black bear carries penalties of up to $5,000, five days in jail, and loss of hunting, trapping and fishing privileges for one year if convicted. Proper openings in the roof allow black bears and other non-target animals to climb out unharmed, but prevent the escape of wild hogs. 

For specific information about wild hog trapping techniques go to hogs and

Wild hogs can be found in all 82 of Mississippi's counties and the damage they cause to the ecosystem, agriculture, and native wildlife are a serious concern.

Landowners with questions or who need technical advice about wild hog trapping, can call (601)432-2199 or visit

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