Ask The Biologist

New in Town?

New in Town?

By Bob Humphrey

It takes a few weeks for deer to get used to a new ground blind.

QUESTION: I want to put a ground blind on one of my food plots for this fall. How far ahead of season should I set it up?

ANSWER: As a general rule of thumb, the sooner, the better.

Unlike turkeys, deer need time to get used a something new and different. Obviously, you have to balance that with things like weather and bugs. Put it out too soon and it will be subject to wind, rain and sun damage. And all sorts of creepy-crawly things like spiders, wasps and small mammals like to set up housekeeping in shelters.

I recommend at least a couple weeks before you plan to hunt. You can reduce the shock by nestling it into existing cover and brushing it in. I also suggest leaving a few windows open as hunting season draws nearer, unless you plan to shoot through mesh windows. The subtle difference of an open or closed window can put deer on alert.

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