Critter Tales

The Lord God Bird may—or may not—be extinct

The Lord God Bird may—or may not—be extinct

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: Image courtesy Special Collections Toronto Public Library, Birds of America, Birds of America, John James Audubon. CC BY-SA 2.0 The ivory billed woodpecker, the historically illusive bird with a 3-foot wingspan and memorable nickname, may or may not be extinct. However, the verdict remains inconclusive on the status of the magnificent woodpe... READ MORE

Prepare for spring bears!

Prepare for spring bears!

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: This black bear appears to have quills in his nose from a porcupine encounter. From Maine to Florida and Vermont to Missouri, and in all the central and western states where black bears are emerging from their winter dens, it’s time to be Bear Aware. If you spend recreational time outdoors, the BearWise organization and state bear man... READ MORE

BEWARE! And . . . BE AWARE of the invasives!

BEWARE! And . . . BE AWARE of the invasives!

By Buckmasters Online

Beware and Be Aware—it’s spooky so many invasive species live among us, spoiling the land, water and skies. Accidentally or purposefully imported, introduced or escaped, they’ve multiplied and thrived while native species have suffered or disappeared. Conservationists have learned the best defense is to create awareness and educa... READ MORE

What’s older than dinosaurs? Snappers!

What’s older than dinosaurs? Snappers!

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: Alligator snapping turtle. There’s no doubt about it. Snapping turtles are survivors. Really, really old survivors. Their fossilized remains tell scientists their ancestors called earth home 230 million years ago in the Triassic Period, time before the dinosaurs arrived! Since the extinction of dinosaurs near the end of the Cretaceous... READ MORE

Please, don’t kidnap the wildlife babies!

Please, don’t kidnap the wildlife babies!

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: This newborn fawn is so new his mom hasn’t had time to hide him yet. April through September are busy months for wildlife moms and babies. Warm weather arrived and wooded areas and back yards are filled with newborns—deer, birds, rabbits, squirrels and raccoons. Chances are, you may find a wildlife baby all alone, seeming helples... READ MORE

Birds are migrating, and you can help them arrive safely

Birds are migrating, and you can help them arrive safely

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: Purple martins are among the earliest to arrive from their winter vacations. Photo courtesy Henry T. McLin. Twice a year, it’s a high-in-the-sky event as temperatures warm and vast movements of birds leave their winter vacation spots and begin relocating to their breeding grounds. It starts in January and grows month by month, ending i... READ MORE

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