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Students at home can adopt this fun, winter photo challenge

Students at home can adopt this fun, winter photo challenge

By Buckmasters Online

Photo: This image could work for a Day 1 or Day 6 photo challenge.

In Nebraska, the Game and Parks Commission has designed a special program for students to combat cabin fever during winter break, but no matter where a student lives, the winter photo challenge something any house-bound, virtual learner can enjoy.

Students can resist the woes of cabin fever by searching for and photographing six nature finds during the 2020 Outdoor Winter Challenge.

Each day, students in Nebraska who participate in the challenge will be given a nature item to find and photograph, and submit — with the help of their parents — via social media.

Students who don’t live in Nebraska can enjoy the same activity in their own back yards or nearby state parks.
The six daily challenges for Nebraska students begins December 26, and parents in any state are welcome to create challenges of their own for their young, virtual learners at home.

Students at home can adopt this fun, winter photo challengeHere are six winter break photo challenges.
Day 1: Take a photo of something natural that is red.
Day 2: Take a photo of a leaf shaped like a heart.
Day 3: Take a photo of something in nature that looks like the letter “M.”
Day 4: Take a photo of a seed or a berry.
Day 5: Take a photo of something in nature that has symmetry.
Day 6: Take a photo of something bumpy in nature.

Nebraska students are invited to post their photos by midnight on the challenge day on Facebook in the Outdoor Winter Challenge daily post on the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission pages.

There are many other winter break ideas students and parents can investigate on the Game and Parks Fish and Wildlife Education Division’s resources.

Be sure to check your state’s Department of Conservation or Natural Resources for outdoors learning programs for students.

For example, Ohio students will be able to avoid cabin fever by stepping into a virtual hike.

Students at home can adopt this fun, winter photo challengeThe Department of Natural Resources is offering virtual hikes in lieu of the traditional in-person guided tours held in January and February of each year. The naturalist-led, online series gives Ohioans —and anyone who checks out their Facebook page—an opportunity to plan their own winter hikes while maintaining a safe social distance.

Throughout the winter months, virtual hikes of state park trails, including well-known favorites and less-traveled options, will be available on Facebook and the ODNR website by knowledgeable guides.

Beginning January 1, 2021, the Department of Natural Resources is offering a variety of tools and online resources so Ohio hikers can safely plan a self-guided outing.

In addition to an overview of the trails, hikers can expect a review of safety tips for hiking in cold wintry weather. The dos and don’ts of outdoor recreation in cold weather can also be found here.

– Resources: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

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