Smalltown Bucks

Top That, Dad!

Top That, Dad!

By Reggie Bright

11-year-old has a season for the all-time books. I know all parents are proud, but I have an amazing story about my 11-year-old son, Hunter Ward. This kid has had one of the most exciting hunting seasons possible. He has harvested four impressive South Carolina bucks, all 8-pointers. To tell you a little about Hunter, first of all his name fits him... READ MORE

A Trip to the Bone Yard

A Trip to the Bone Yard

By Krissy Jean Zimmer

You never forget your first archery buck, even if it happens after you’re a veteran hunter. There aren't a lot of “firsts” when you get to be my age and have been hunting for years, so harvesting my first buck with a bow this past season was extra special. I've been shooting bows for more than 20 years, and during that time I have... READ MORE

The Fall that Changed It All

The Fall that Changed It All

By Allen Wall

There’s no amount of experience or luck that will stop a treestand accident. The popping in my back sounded like someone running their fingers down the keys of a piano. The moment my feet touched the ground, my legs collapsed and my butt slammed to the ground. All of the vertebrae in my back compressed with the weight of my head and shoulders... READ MORE

Countdown to Kansas

Countdown to Kansas

By Carlo Longobardo

I’m a NYC fireman, and I’ve hunted since I was a kid. I’ve made a lot of memories with my father and family members. Now I’m proudly passing on the tradition to my son and daughter. This past fall was the second time I headed to Kansas to bowhunt the rut, and I’d literally been in a countdown for a year. On my first ... READ MORE

The Brow Tine Buck of 2018

The Brow Tine Buck of 2018

By Michael R. Bath

What’s a broken leg to a man on a buck mission? I first saw this 10-point brute on my trail camera, but it was always in the middle of the night. After seeing the brow tines, which turned out to be 8 and 7 inches, I knew this was my target deer, no matter what. After figuring out where he was living during the daytime, nine hunts later I star... READ MORE

Thanks, Grandpa

Thanks, Grandpa

By Julie Loy

Borrowed stand produces first buck for young hunter. Nate, 7 years old, went out this crisp Missouri morning for his first youth deer hunt. He had been practicing at targets and had sat with mom and dad during previous seasons, so he was ready! After calling Great Grandpa Charlie to ask permission, he decided to hunt his stand. Nate and his dad, Da... READ MORE

Thanksgiving Surprise

Thanksgiving Surprise

By Sawyer Johnson

Some of the best hunts don’t end with a filled tag. One of the greatest things about hunting is going out and not knowing what you’ll see or experience. This sense of wonderment is what keeps me out in the mountains, because I might experience something incredible at any moment. On Thanksgiving morning in western Montana, having already... READ MORE

Tracking Clubber Nine

Tracking Clubber Nine

By Derrick S. Schreiber

Finally, after 81 hours in the stand, I arrowed a buck I’d named Clubber Nine on Dec. 3, 2011. I’d seen him on my trail camera since October. He was distinctive with an impressive body and a right rear foot that apparently had been broken at some time. I have the good fortune of having sole access to the ground I hunt, which made it pos... READ MORE

Who Needs Fishing?

Who Needs Fishing?

By Quintin Sullivan

Let me preface this story by saying that my son Joseph is one of the best kids on the planet. Sure, I’m biased, but the kid has some amazing accomplishments under his belt, and he’s not even 13 yet. Joseph is an avid fisherman who ties his own flies (and sells them under the name Joe Hunter), and in 2013 alone caught a 7-pound largemout... READ MORE

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

By Ray Thiel

It only takes a second for an entire season of frustration to turn amazing. The 2018 deer season in eastern Connecticut was slower than normal. After two years where gypsy moth caterpillars ate nearly all the leaves off the oak trees, they just didn’t produce acorns. Unfortunately, on property I have permission to hunt on in Griswold, acorns... READ MORE

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