Smalltown Bucks

His and Hers

His and Hers

By Stacy Vaccaro

Food plot stand exceeds expectations and maybe saves a relationship.

One beautiful, sunny afternoon in October 2018 in Coloma, Wisc., I made the decision to sneak out of work a little early for some stand time. My boyfriend, Wally, and I had worked hard on a nice food plot that produced daytime pictures of several decent bucks.

No sooner had I decided to go when I recieved a text from Wally that he was out hunting ... from my stand. I figured there was no sense leaving early from work then.

By the time I got home, Wally called asking for help because he’d shot a big 10-pointer. Of course I helped, albeit grumbling the entire way. His buck had a 17-inch inside spread, and it is currently awaiting official scoring from the taxidermist.

Although I thought there was little chance of taking another nice buck from the stand, I kept hunting. Then, almost exactly two weeks later, I harvested another 10-pointer from that stand.

My buck came in low and slow through the pines until he was on the fringe on the food plot. As soon as he noticed the three does in the plot, he dropped all his defenses. He came in grunting, making his own path through some thicker shrubs and brambles.

It was amazing to watch as he stepped into the plot. I was so caught up in the action that I forgot all about shooting until I realized he was exactly 20 yards and broadside.

The intense interaction of the deer allowed me to get drawn and loose an arrow with deadly accuracy.

The deer all ran off in the same direction, and a few seconds later, I heard that distinctive crash we all hope for.

I immediately got down from my stand and walked to the area where I heard the crash. I looked down the ridge, and there he was not 30 yards from where I had last seen him. He was all tangled in the raspberry vines, of course!

I didn’t care. I plowed into those vines like they didn’t exist and took possession of my prize. Such a beautiful animal ... time to give thanks and appreciation for the sacrifice this animal made.

– If you have a story for Smalltown Bucks, send a text or Word file with pictures to Please include Smalltown Bucks in the subject line.

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