Smalltown Bucks

Velvet Surprise

Velvet Surprise

By David M. Cole

I wasn’t a white-tailed deer hunter until I met Donna Shuman at Georgia Southern University. The first time I traveled to her hometown to meet her family, I was instructed to go to their hunting club. I arrived just after dark, just in time to see my future wife dragging a nice buck under a fence. After we were married, I became an avid deer... READ MORE

Turkey for Two

Turkey for Two

By Krissy Jean Zimmer

I love it when a plan ... falls apart. It just makes it that much sweeter when you make a new plan, get busted twice and still manage to bloody up the tailgate. As planned, we started the morning on the ground in front of a long narrow food plot. We knew the sun was going to be highlighting us so we brushed in, settled down and waited for daybreak.... READ MORE

Crowded in Kansas

Crowded in Kansas

By Rodney Bryson

Landowner offers advice to help overcome an abundance of other hunters. This past hunting season in Kansas was different from previous years. The weather was nicer, but there seemed to be a lot more hunters. While we’re fortunate to hunt on private land, other hunters have permission to hunt there, too. There were also hunters on the property... READ MORE

Big Ten in the Buckeye State

Big Ten in the Buckeye State

By Jon Miller

After watching a big 10-pointer for two seasons, I finally got my shot at it on the evening of October 25, 2013. I discovered this buck on my trail camera last year on my family’s 200-acre farm in Licking County, Ohio. After capturing several photos, my cousin and I estimated the buck would push 140 inches. I knew if I ever saw this buck un... READ MORE

A Prayer Answered

A Prayer Answered

By Dan Self

The Missouri archery deer season began like many others. I had seen several deer, but the best part was just spending quality time outdoors. Things took an interesting turn at the end of September when my daughter Allison asked me to take her bowhunting for our next fun day together. Allison is 8 years old, but her age isn’t an issue. She has... READ MORE

Thanksgiving Surprise

Thanksgiving Surprise

By Sawyer Johnson

Some of the best hunts don’t end with a filled tag. One of the greatest things about hunting is going out and not knowing what you’ll see or experience. This sense of wonderment is what keeps me out in the mountains, because I might experience something incredible at any moment. On Thanksgiving morning in western Montana, having already... READ MORE

Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait

By John Mitchell

It took a few years, but when Micah got his first deer, it was a good one. I started taking Micah to the dove lease when he was 7, and he started deer hunting with me when he was 9. Micah has developed a love for hunting and being in the woods. Even so, it felt like he would never get his first deer. It seemed like no matter what, something always ... READ MORE

One Old Buck

One Old Buck

By Tim Angel

Not all the best Bucks in the woods have antlers. I was born in Peoria, Ill., where hunting mainly consisted of rabbits, squirrels and pheasants. I now live in the Northwest, where I hunt everything from elk, deer, bears and even cougars. I am sending this letter to share one of the most memorable moments in my life. It involves my grandmother, N... READ MORE

Buck Fever vs. Girl Power

Buck Fever vs. Girl Power

By Mendy Fryman

First things first. I love to hunt, and I also love being a girlie gal, so I fix my hair and wear earrings — the same pair every time for luck — each time I go to the woods. This is in case a photo op arrives, either a selfie or when I take a deer! My husband Daryl always hurries me out of the bathroom before we go to the woods, and he ... READ MORE

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

By Amanda Baker

Every miss and close encounter brings you that much closer. I have been deer hunting in Wisconsin for about 15 years. I started with a rifle and took up archery about three years later. I hunt public land and private, and until 2018, the biggest deer I had taken was a small 6-pointer. Some years, I didn’t shoot anything, and there were severa... READ MORE

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