Smalltown Bucks

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

By Ray Thiel

It only takes a second for an entire season of frustration to turn amazing. The 2018 deer season in eastern Connecticut was slower than normal. After two years where gypsy moth caterpillars ate nearly all the leaves off the oak trees, they just didn’t produce acorns. Unfortunately, on property I have permission to hunt on in Griswold, acorns... READ MORE

Small Property, Big Results

Small Property, Big Results

By Chris Casper

Every buck is an opportunity to be a better hunter. I live in Georgia’s Oglethorpe County, but I got permission to hunt a small, approximately 10-acre tract surrounded by a subdivision in Athens-Clarke County. I scouted the area and found several promising spots. I got my first trail camera picture of a dandy buck I named Subdivision in late ... READ MORE

A Prayer Answered

A Prayer Answered

By Dan Self

The Missouri archery deer season began like many others. I had seen several deer, but the best part was just spending quality time outdoors. Things took an interesting turn at the end of September when my daughter Allison asked me to take her bowhunting for our next fun day together. Allison is 8 years old, but her age isn’t an issue. She has... READ MORE

In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time

By Jayden Steinkamp, age 11

Napping in the stand is okay, but shooting a big buck is better. It was midseason in Indiana in 2013, and the wind wasn’t blowing hard. We had gone hunting in the morning and saw one doe. We were hunting at my grandpa’s, and there are some big deer there. He doesn’t like us to shoot does, so we passed. When it got 2:50 p.m. that... READ MORE

A Very Good Year

A Very Good Year

By Jason Hartpence

As a family of hunters and soon-to-be hunters, this year was good to us. The early season was particularly generous, as I harvested three of my four deer during that time. This season has been my most exciting yet, not because of my success, but because my son Hunter turned seven in October — legal hunting age for the state of Pennsylvania. ... READ MORE

Hey, This Actually Works!

Hey, This Actually Works!

By Michael Dickerson

There are some things in hunting you have to experience before you believe they’re true. It was opening day of muzzleloader season in McNairy County, Tenn. The days had been getting colder, so I was hoping the rut was about to kick in. I had been scanning several areas for a place my set up my ladder stand and decided on a pine tree in front... READ MORE

Dagwoods Anyone?

Dagwoods Anyone?

By Andrew Marley

How a rabbit hunter fills a freezer in just five seconds. Spoiler alert! This story does not have any antlers involved, but it is interesting nonetheless. Fortunately, it doesn’t end with a big bowl of tag soup, either. Opening day of Kentucky’s gun season finally arrived, and I headed to the woods, excited about what might be under t... READ MORE

Tag-Team Buck

Tag-Team Buck

By Sara Wilken

Drop-tined Missouri monster should have stayed with his doe. My husband, Andy, and I were on a whitetail hunt in Missouri a few weeks ago. The first day into the hunt, we headed out to the stands about an hour before sunlight, around 5:30 a.m. We were about 400 yards apart on opposite ends of the woods. Once daylight hit, I heard shots and, of cour... READ MORE

Right Place, Right Time

Right Place, Right Time

By James M. Chastain

It was September 2013, just before deer season in Wyandotte County, Kansas, when I set out deer minerals and my game cameras. When October arrived, I set up deer feeders. When I checked my cameras, I was pleased to discover there were a lot of deer using them. I was most interested in the 10-pointer that consistently appeared on camera. That buck ... READ MORE

One for the Kids

One for the Kids

By Dusty Sprague

Illinois outfitter gives up time and profit to host youth hunters. Ted Sprague, owner of Eagle Lakes Outfitters, has always felt strongly about promoting youth hunting. His father and mother both took him hunting when he was a little guy, and now with two children of his own, he does his best to keep them involved in the outdoors and help teach oth... READ MORE

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