Smalltown Bucks

Hey, This Actually Works!

Hey, This Actually Works!

By Michael Dickerson

There are some things in hunting you have to experience before you believe they’re true. It was opening day of muzzleloader season in McNairy County, Tenn. The days had been getting colder, so I was hoping the rut was about to kick in. I had been scanning several areas for a place my set up my ladder stand and decided on a pine tree in front... READ MORE

First of Many

First of Many

By Lyndsey Wesner

I’ve had a lot of firsts in the past eight months, so after I caught my first 20-pound king salmon, shot my first 8-point buck with a bow, took my first doe with a bow, and my first doe with a muzzleloader, naturally I expressed desire to shoot my first turkey. My husband Rick said, “It's not easy. They have keen eyesight, and the slig... READ MORE

Hard to Top

Hard to Top

By Josh Tieman

Maybe it's a good thing this young hunter doesn't realize just how big his buck is. Parker and I were on our first hunt together during opening day of Missouri's youth season. While I had high hopes we would see a few deer and maybe even a buck, I never dreamed what would happen next. Parker spotted a buck to our left on the ridge and heading awa... READ MORE

Station Me in Ohio!

Station Me in Ohio!

By Ryan Scialabba

I'm 29 years old and am currently serving in the United States Coast Guard. The service has kept me moving around for the past five years. Because I have been hunting since I was 10 years old and I’m a big advocate for archery and bowhunting, I was excited when my orders came for a move to Ohio. I relocated there on October 15, 2013, and ha... READ MORE

Stress Test

Stress Test

By Richard C. West

It’s great to finally see the buck of your dreams, but don’t get too excited. On the Saturday before Thanksgiving in 2015, an Illinois buck tested my heart. It was the second day of the firearms season, and I’d spent my first day – all 12 hours – on the stand with nothing to show for it but a couple of song birds, a re... READ MORE

Was Noah from Ohio?

Was Noah from Ohio?

By Tim Walker

In late October 2012, my brother Mark and I headed out for a week of bowhunting in Ohio. We left Rockingham, N.C., for the Tar Hollow State Forest in Hocking, Ross and Vinton Counties, east of Chillicothe. It was our eighth trip to Ohio’s second largest state forest. We attended a Christian Bowhunters Association hunt with the Lord of the Ha... READ MORE

Not a Monster, THE Monster

Not a Monster, THE Monster

By Sgt. G. A. Sinclair

New spot yields surprise wallhanger for West Virginian. Here is the story of my buck of a lifetime.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did LIVING IT! It would be nice to see this in the “Buckmasters” Magazine or at least in print someplace!! I had hardly seen any deer the first four days of the buck firearms season in West Virginia.... READ MORE

One for the Kids

One for the Kids

By Dusty Sprague

Illinois outfitter gives up time and profit to host youth hunters. Ted Sprague, owner of Eagle Lakes Outfitters, has always felt strongly about promoting youth hunting. His father and mother both took him hunting when he was a little guy, and now with two children of his own, he does his best to keep them involved in the outdoors and help teach oth... READ MORE

Velvet Surprise

Velvet Surprise

By David M. Cole

I wasn’t a white-tailed deer hunter until I met Donna Shuman at Georgia Southern University. The first time I traveled to her hometown to meet her family, I was instructed to go to their hunting club. I arrived just after dark, just in time to see my future wife dragging a nice buck under a fence. After we were married, I became an avid deer... READ MORE

Muzzleloader Miracle

Muzzleloader Miracle

By Mimi Miracle

During the spring of 2013, I fell in love with my very first bow purchase, a Mathews Passion. I spent the rest of that spring, summer and fall practicing with it. Because I’d been out of town, I had to miss the first few days of the season, but when I got home my first priority was to get in the stand. I put in hours and hours, and then more ... READ MORE

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