Ask The Biologist

How Much Meat?

How Much Meat?

By Bob Humphrey

There are some guidelines about how much meat to expect from a single deer.

QUESTION: I generally process my own deer, but some of the guys I hunt with take theirs to a butcher. Last year they were complaining about how much meat they got back. Is there some kind of formula that will tell you how much meat a deer should yield?

ANSWER: You should be able to find fairly reliable weight charts online. As a general rule of thumb, dressed weight should be between 75% and 80% of live weight. Edible meat is typically around 40-45% of live weight or 55% of dressed weight. Keep in mind this is something of an ideal yield. It’s often less depending on how and where the deer was shot, and how it was handled from field to butcher.

A good processor will remove any damaged or blood-shot meat, reducing the net yield but improving the quality of the final product. You may also get more if they mix fat or other ingredients when making burger and sausage.

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