Ask The Biologist

He Wore Brown Velvet

He Wore Brown Velvet

By Bob Humphrey

If you like antlers with fuzz, you might have to travel.

QUESTION: I’ve always wanted to shoot a buck in velvet, but by the time our archery season begins most of the bucks have shed. What can I do to tick this off my bucket list?

ANSWER: Unless you’re lucky enough to encounter a rare exception to the rule, your best bet is to travel. Fortunately, you have plenty of options. Some states like South Carolina have very early bow seasons — their’s begins Aug. 15. With a little online research you might be able to find options closer to home.

Taking a velvet buck with a firearm could be tougher. You might want to look for early muzzleloader seasons that sometimes come in before regular firearms hunting. Another option is Quebec’s Anticosti Island, where hunting begins in September and hunters may use their weapon of choice.

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