Ask The Biologist

Red Snow

Red Snow

By Bob Humphrey

Hunter seeks answer to strangely colored deer urine.

QUESTION: I’ve been out hunting for shed antlers and seen several spots where the deer pee looks red and bloody. It’s well after the rut, and I’m wondering if you can answer why this deer urine is this color? –Daniel

ANSWER: I, too, have observed this, although I never really bothered to research it until now. There doesn’t seem to be much available in the way of science.

The general consensus among hunters and deer farmers is it is not blood, but some discoloration due to diet. Water becomes scarcer in winter, causing urine to be more concentrated. Deer also shift their diet to more coarse, woody browse. While those are the most likely reasons, it’s also possible the deer that deposited it has some type of injury or infection, and it is indeed blood.

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