Ask The Biologist

Pine Plantation Predicament

Pine Plantation Predicament

By Bob Humphrey

Despite appearances, you can improve deer habitat on pine plantations.

QUESTION: The area I lease in northwest Louisiana is mostly planted pine forest. I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do to make the land more attractive to deer.

ANSWER: Assuming the landowner uses this property for commercial pine plantations, food plots might not be an option unless you’re willing to pay the landowner to take some areas out of production.

A better and much more economical option might be to look for areas that provide little or no potential for pines. This might be low, wet areas or steep slopes. Even a small throw-and-grow plot might be beneficial to you and the deer.

Creating more bedding cover by hinge-cutting poor quality hardwoods like sweet gums could also offer some benefit. And if the landowner is amenable, go in just after a cut and seed skid roads and trails with clover and/or winter wheat.

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