Ask The Biologist

Drop that Fur!

Drop that Fur!

By Bob Humphrey

Piles of deer hair leave turkey hunter wondering about predators.

QUESTION: While turkey hunting this spring, I’ve been finding a lot of clumps of deer hair in the woods. I’ve heard that coyotes have become a bigger problem in my area and I’m wondering if this could be the reason. — Carroll D., Edgefield, S.C.

ANSWER: Coyotes are indeed a growing source of deer mortality in many parts of the Southeast. You didn’t mention it, but if what you’re observing is the result of predation, you would also likely find other evidence, like bones and scraps of flesh.

It’s also possible what you’re observing is merely normal shedding. Just about the same time turkey season rolls around in most states, deer begin shedding their winter coats of long, hollow guard hairs, and the hair sometimes falls off in clumps, particularly in and around bedding areas.

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