Ask The Biologist

Early Dropout

Early Dropout

By Bob Humphrey

There are several reasons some bucks shed antlers earlier than others.

QUESTION: Our muzzleloader season typically runs into the second week in December. This year a friend said he saw a buck without antlers on December 5. I sometimes see bucks still with their antlers in January. My question is, why did this buck drop its antlers so early. — Toby W.

ANSWER: The timing of when a buck sheds or casts off its antlers is primarily influenced by changes in daylight, but variations outside the norm can be caused by several things.

One is health and fitness. Deer that are in poorer health are more stressed, which can sometimes cause antlers to shed sooner than normal. Age can also be a factor, as older bucks generally shed earlier than younger bucks. That could also be related to fitness since older bucks typically do more breeding and therefore are in weaker condition after the rut.

You also have to consider individual differences. Just as there are short deer and tall deer, aggressive deer and passive deer, some individuals might be physically or genetically predisposed to shed their antlers earlier.

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