Ask The Biologist

Lay Off the Juice!

Lay Off the Juice!

By Bob Humphrey

What could be the cause of this buck’s abnormal thickness?

QUESTION: Any idea what’s wrong with this buck? — Layton S.

ANSWER: I once observed a Saskatchewan buck with a similar, although less severe, condition. He looked like a 50-gallon barrel on a sawbuck. The best I can do is speculate, based on what we know about whitetails.

As day length decreases, a buck’s body goes through physiological changes, not the least of which is increased production of testosterone, which a hormone steroid. As we know from observing body builders, football players and teenage boys, increased steroid levels makes it easier to build muscle faster. While humans lift weights, bucks work out and bulk up largely by rubbing trees and sparring.

Occasionally something goes wrong, whether due to injury, disease or some genetic mutation, and excessive levels of testosterone are produced. The result can sometimes be hyper swelling, particularly in the neck and shoulders.

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