Ask The Biologist

Where Have The Ears Gone?

Where Have The Ears Gone?

By Bob Humphrey

Do you have any idea what happened to its ears?

Question:  This doe has been coming into a guy’s yard in the DuBois area. Do you have any idea what happened to its ears? Maybe the buck flies just ate the heck out of them this past summer. I’ve seen deer with their ears bleeding terribly from buck fly bites. — Ken M.

Answer:  That is indeed an odd one, and a rarity. I checked multiple sources but was unable to come up with a definitive answer as to what might have caused this deer’s malady. I did encounter a similarly afflicted buck on Anticosti Island many years ago. Our guide claimed (speculated) that its ears had frozen off. In either case, whether it’s a severe affliction of flies, frozen ears or some other reason, one has to wonder why more deer don’t show the same symptoms. I guess it’s just one more reason why deer are such fascinating creatures.

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